What is a Heritage breed?
A Heritage breed is a traditional breed of livestock raised prior to the industrialization of farming. It usually is well-adapted to the environment in which it originated. Preserving heritage breeds keeps the livestock genetic pool from becoming too shallow. Tunis sheep, which arrived in the U.S. in 1799, are considered by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy to be indigenous to his country.
Are your sheep raised organically?
We have chosen to raise our sheep naturally on grass, clover and locally grown hay, with supplements of corn, oats and molasses. We do not use animal byproducts or chemicals in our animal feed, and we use antibiotics only to treat specific health concerns as precribed by our vet. We have not however, chosen to pursue the long and costly process to become certified organic.
Our focus is on humane treatment and natural growing conditions.
How do you care for your sheep?
All lambs remain with their mothers until they wean themselves. The sheep graze on our hilly pastures seeded with grass and clover. In the winter, they eat locally grown oat and alfalfa hay. Free choice minerals and plenty of fresh water are always available. Our flock always has access to shelter.
Why Tunis sheep?
Tunis are great for beginning shepherds. They have excellent foraging abilities. Lambing, which can happen year-round, usually requires no intervention, and the mothers take good care of their lambs. The medium size of the Tunis makes them relatively manageable without specialized equiment (although a sheep chair definitely helps for trimming hooves). Tunis lamb is recognized by the Slow Food USA® Ark of Taste designation. It is tender and tasty! Our lambs' wool is medium grade and long stapled, and can be used for handspinning, felting or hooking rugs. The best thing about the Tunis sheep is that they are docile and very attractive.
National Tunis Sheep Registry - www.tunissheep.org
ALBC - albc-usa.org
Heritage Foods USA - www.heritagefoodsusa.com
Slow Food USA - www.slowfoodusa.org
Green Mountain Spinnery - www.spinnery.com
Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Coop & Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival - www.wisbc.com
Local Harvest - www.localharvest.org